SAKAN “real impact”
After launching the “SAKAN blog” and carrying out hundreds of interviews and surveys with women from different social statuses and backgrounds; both locals and expats living in Amman, Jordan, and going through difficult experiences with finding a place and flatmates (for years) myself, I realized the pressing need for a platform designed only for women…
SAKAN blog WHAT? SAKAN is the English word for سكن; an Arabic word that means a place of living or residence. It also means peace and comfort; hence the name. SAKAN blog exists WHY? I created SAKAN blog to be the ultimate manual for women who intend to move out to live alone/with housemates; temporarily…
SAKAN بالعربي
مدوّنة سكن… ما هي؟ كلمة عربية تعني مكان المعيشة أو الإقامة. كما يعني السلام والراحة. ومن هنا أخذ الاسم. مدوّنة سكن… لماذا؟ لقد أنشأت مدونة سكن لتكون الدليل الشامل للنساء والفتيات اللواتي ينوين الخروج للعيش بمفردهن / مع زميلات السكن ؛ بشكل مؤقت أو دائم! أو اضطررن للعيش بمفردهن (بيئة غير مناسبة، أو انفصال وغيره…
Safety measures – part 2
In January 2022, I was walking down university street, Amman and I’ve been followed by a shady Prius. After I lost them in the traffic and got back home, I couldn’t step out of my apartment for 4 straight days! I was terrified! I got paranoid after that I would memorize any car number that…
I really hope that you have been blessed by loving, caring, quiet (and minding-their-own-business type of flatmates/roommates. Choosing the people you’re going to live with for the next 6 months (at least) is not easy; especially if you’re unlucky in this area like me! Before choosing a flatmate/roommate, you need to know yourself first. This…