Tag: Jordan
SAKAN “real impact”
After launching the “SAKAN blog” and carrying out hundreds of interviews and surveys with women from different social statuses and backgrounds; both locals and expats living in Amman, Jordan, and going through difficult experiences with finding a place and flatmates (for years) myself, I realized the pressing need for a platform designed only for women…
Sick & living ALONE
Getting sick is no fun, but it can be especially challenging if you live alone. Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself when you’re sick and living alone: Stay home from work or school. This will help you to rest and recover, and also prevent you from spreading your illness to others.…
مريضة ولوحدك؟
إن المرض ليس أمرا ممتعًا، ولكن يمكن أن يكون الأمر صعبا للغاية إذا كنت تعيشين بمفردك! فيما يلي بعض النصائح حول كيفية العناية بنفسك عندما تكونين مريضًة وتعيشين بمفردك: ابقي في المنزل من العمل أو المدرسة. سيساعدك هذا على الراحة والشفاء، كما سيمنع انتشار مرضك إلى الآخرين. احصلي على قسط كافٍ من الراحة. حاولي الحصول…
13 steps to take if you’ve lost the will to study/work
Naivety is expecting that things are always going to go smoothly and you’ll always have the motivation & the energy to study/work! In reality, you’ll go through some highs and lows. And when lows hit, you most probably will lose the will to study (or do anything, for that matter). I personally struggle with this;…
How to make friends in Jordan?
Put yourself out there! Make online friends! Go to networking events! Very impractical advice! Although they might be true in practice, but they’re generic, vague, and don’t give real clues on where to begin or what steps to take! You probably come from a different background or have different preferences, but in general, this is…