Category: Mental health
أشياء لتفعليها، إذا كنت لا تستطيعين التركيز في غرفتك الخاصة
لا تعملي في نفس المكان الذي تنامين فيه: لا تعملي / تدرسي على سريرك ، والأفضل من ذلك ، إعملي في غرفة مختلفة! غيّري (قومي بتنويع) أماكن عملك/ دراستك: على سبيل المثال: غرفة النوم ، الشرفة ، الأريكة ، الأرضية … إلخ. تغيير / كسر روتينك من وقت لآخر: إذا كنت معتادًة على الذهاب إلى…
13 things to do If you can’t focus in your own room
Don’t work at the same place your sleep: don’t work/study on your bed, even better, in a different room! Change places you work/study: for e.g: the bedroom, the balcony, the couch, the floor…etc. Change/break your routine from time to time: If you’re used to going to work/university and coming back home eating, taking a break,…
How to make friends in Jordan?
Put yourself out there! Make online friends! Go to networking events! Very impractical advice! Although they might be true in practice, but they’re generic, vague, and don’t give real clues on where to begin or what steps to take! You probably come from a different background or have different preferences, but in general, this is…
A narcissistic flatmate – part 2
How do you deal with a narcissistic flatmate exactly? It’s not always possible to just move out. Maybe you’ve already paid rent for a couple of months, or you live near your work or university, or you’re just not a big fan of moving (I mean, who is, right?) Try to avoid being alone with…
A narcissistic flatmate – part 1
Following my article on Narcissistic bosses from my experiences in the workplace, I thought it was only suiting I’d do one for the narcissistic flatmates! I’m not saying nobody has mental health problems. We all do! With that being said, some mental health problems are malignant and affect other people; especially if they come off…