Safety measures – part 2

In January 2022, I was walking down university street, Amman and I’ve been followed by a shady Prius.

After I lost them in the traffic and got back home, I couldn’t step out of my apartment for 4 straight days! I was terrified! I got paranoid after that I would memorize any car number that was parked in front of my building! Creepy I know…

I was walking when a guy tried to talk to me, I ignored him and kept walking. He didn’t take the hint and kept following me with his Prius, when I was sure he was actually following me, I stopped, he stopped, I took out my phone, took a picture of his plate, looked at him, and kept walking. I didn’t go home obviously (you don’t want to tell the stalker where you live), so I went into a sweets store and stayed there for a while (yeah, bought a very chocolaty cake) and lost the guy and went home.

It was my first time being followed this way and at night and it scared the shit out of me tbh, to the limit that I started to Google “self-defense classes near me”, and this is how I got introduced to martial arts IRL!

Unfortunately, some men still don’t get that there is a time and a place for flirting or asking a girl out, and it sure as hell ain’t by stalking them at night with their stupid-ass cars! 

Spoiler alert: it’s not our “job” to teach them, but it’s our job to learn how to be safe and protect ourselves when push comes to shove! 

How do you go about doing that exactly?

  1. If you’re walking in the street (especially alone), always give the “fuck-off” face. The last thing you want is to look easy & approachable!
  2. What you’re wearing shouldn’t determine how someone treats you, but, some pointers: if you’re walking in the street alone at night, please wear something long and baggy. If you’re a Leo and you need to look 10/10 going to the supermarket, please fight this urge and wear something not very revealing.
  3. Carry your self-confidence with you, along with something to defend yourself with (which’s unlikely to happen in a safe country like Jordan but you know: better safe than sorry!)
  4. Walk in the middle of the sidewalk (like you own it!). You always need to feel strong so you’ll look strong.
  5. Join a martial arts class: Boxing, Karate, Muay Thai, street fighting….etc.
  6. Charge your phone before you go out and better to have the flashlight on in a dark street.
  7. Whatever happens, call 911 immediately!

2 months later, I joined a Muay Thai class! Best decision I’ve ever made. I’ll share that in another article, but for now:

Be safe, take responsibility for your own safety, and invest in getting tougher and more confident ladies <3