Category: SAKAN Kitchen
Food Management
This is by far, one of the most pressing challenges of living alone! Having to worry about what you’re going to eat all the time is not very efficient! Especially if you’re a full-time student or employee (or worst, both!); which’s why I’m adding all you need to know about food management and prep in…
Potato & pea stew يخنة البطاطا والبازيلاء ⌛Less than 1 hour ⌛أقلّ من ساعة Ingredients المكوّنات Directions الخطوات The Chef: YT
Recipe #12
Chicken with Cream & mushroom دجاج بالفطر والكريمة ⌛Less than 1 hour ⌛أقلّ من ساعة Ingredients المكوّنات Directions الخطوات The Chef: YT
Spinach soup شوربة سبانخ ⌛Less than 1 hour ⌛أقلّ من ساعة Ingredients المكوّنات Directions الخطوات The Chef: YT
Recipe #4
Hot Noodles نوودلز حارّة ⌛Less than 1 hour ⌛أقلّ من ساعة Ingredients المكوّنات Directions الخطوات The Chef: YT