Category: Living Alone
Getting the best out of the living-alone experience: Time management
It’s very intriguing to set on your bed and watch movies on your phone all night and on the weekends. Especially, when you don’t have that much of a responsibility (other than yourself of course!)… With that being said, this time you spend away from your family (if you have any) alone is too precious…
Safety measures – part 1
I’m writing this after getting locked out of my own apartment last night on the stairs for almost two straight hours really scared. It all started when I decided to take my mini arm bag and a bottle of water and go for a one-hour walk! After the fruitful and refreshing walk, with my headphones…
Sick & living ALONE
Getting sick is no fun, but it can be especially challenging if you live alone. Here are some tips on how to take care of yourself when you’re sick and living alone: Stay home from work or school. This will help you to rest and recover, and also prevent you from spreading your illness to others.…
13 steps to take if you’ve lost the will to study/work
Naivety is expecting that things are always going to go smoothly and you’ll always have the motivation & the energy to study/work! In reality, you’ll go through some highs and lows. And when lows hit, you most probably will lose the will to study (or do anything, for that matter). I personally struggle with this;…
أشياء لتفعليها، إذا كنت لا تستطيعين التركيز في غرفتك الخاصة
لا تعملي في نفس المكان الذي تنامين فيه: لا تعملي / تدرسي على سريرك ، والأفضل من ذلك ، إعملي في غرفة مختلفة! غيّري (قومي بتنويع) أماكن عملك/ دراستك: على سبيل المثال: غرفة النوم ، الشرفة ، الأريكة ، الأرضية … إلخ. تغيير / كسر روتينك من وقت لآخر: إذا كنت معتادًة على الذهاب إلى…