Category: Living Alone
Expenses: Reality check!
Before you decide to live alone, make sure you have a steady income. A full-time job, a part-time, or a freelance with a semi-fixed income would work! Living alone is obviously pricier than shared living. Here, you’ll have to bear all the costs yourself: maintenance, utility bills, guard and services….etc. I’ll mention the expenses for…
Read before you rent
11 Things to consider before signing your lease: I hope that you can find a place you can call home, lady…
Fun time in Jordan
Who said you can’t go out alone and have fun? For introverted people who actually enjoy the company of themselves or the people with no one to go out with (no friends or family), this is for you beautiful lone wolves: Where to go for fun? P.S.: If you want some company, you can join…
A Woman living alone: The “STIGMA”
In a mostly-conservative society, living alone raises questions about a woman. With no clear “explanation” of why a woman is “choosing or not choosing” to live alone, for e.g.: Her parents are living in another country (or state), she doesn’t have parents, abusive parents, bullying siblings, her parent’s house is far from her job or…
Finding a HOME as a divorced lady in Jordan?
Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster on its own! Adding “housing” to the list of things a woman needs to worry about doesn’t make it any easier! Although divorce numbers are increasing tremendously, there is still a stigma around “divorced women & single moms” and their “living situation”! Many tend to move back to their parent’s…