A narcissistic flatmate – part 2

How do you deal with a narcissistic flatmate exactly?

It’s not always possible to just move out. Maybe you’ve already paid rent for a couple of months, or you live near your work or university, or you’re just not a big fan of moving (I mean, who is, right?)

  1. Try to avoid being alone with the narcissist
  2. Watch your back with the narcissist’s minions (they mostly will through you under the bus)
  3. “Set boundaries”
  4. Don’t waste your time defending and explaining
  5. Never ever disagree with a narcissist (narcissistic anger)
  6. Prepare mentally for engagements
  7. Trust your gut and instinct
  8. If you can leave the house or encourage her to leave, then do that!
  9. If you can’t, then at least get your own room for your privacy.
  10. Avoid talking about your personal life or giving out any personal details, names…etc. The narcissist will use that anytime she feels narcissistic injury and wants to avenge the hurt you caused her.
  11. Following the above note, a narcissist will always be extremely nice and show a huge deal of empathy the moment you meet them. She will also share (or overshare) what appears to be personal details about her life, work, or family. This is a psychological trick abusive (and psychopathic) people use to push you to open up and share details about your own personal life; which they can use to hurt you emotionally at later stages of the relationship.

Always qualify the people you want to live with and work with (preferably before you work or live with them).

Hope you find peace in your mind and a happy place in your home, beautiful lady!


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  1. […] How do you deal with a narcissistic flatmate exactly? check out part 2 here. […]

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