A narcissistic flatmate – part 1

Following my article on Narcissistic bosses from my experiences in the workplace, I thought it was only suiting I’d do one for the narcissistic flatmates!

I’m not saying nobody has mental health problems. We all do! With that being said, some mental health problems are malignant and affect other people; especially if they come off as “bullying”, “narcissism”, or some sort of “emotional abuse: guilt-tripping, exploitation…etc.).

Some people are aware of their own shortcomings, and they try and work on themselves to fix them (no matter how much time it takes). These women usually keep it to themselves and do their best to save everyone else the pain of their toxicity.

On the other hand, we have malignant toxic people; narcissists to be specific!

It will surely be easier to spot those toxic narcissistic traits if you know what you’re actually looking for.

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The 11 traits of your narcissist flatmate

  1. She has no sense of boundaries. She will use your stuff (cooking pan, oil, food, clothes if you’re sharing a room…etc.) without permission because she feels entitled to it. She might also go through your stuff; so make sure you lock your room door and put sticky notes on your shelves with your name on them!
  2. She will have no empathy whatsoever for you (or anyone). Lack of empathy is a strong sign of narcissistic and sociopathic behaviors.
  3. Extremely self-centered to the limit that she has no consideration for anybody living with her. She would always want to be the center of attention in literally everything! She might consistently be crying to you about her fiance/family problems and when you want to share your problems with her, she’s the least interested!
  4. In constant need of attention. You’ll feel like they’re the sun and everyone should be revolving around them!
  5. You feel so drained after spending time with her. She always wants something (and is really good at asking for it!). Narcissists will use you for everything you have even your time and money!
  6. Narcissists depend on the supply they get from you. Supply is usually emotions (good or bad). The reaction you give them is their supply. They love chaos, create it, and thrive on it! They might be the ones making up stories about you to your flatmate.
  7. Feel superior and have a high sense of grandiosity.
  8. Their ego is easily bruised. It’s a case called “Narcissistic injury”!
  9. Avoid confrontation as well as don’t take responsibility for sh**. They’re constantly shifting blame onto somebody else! They can never be wrong, like ever!
  10. They are absolute bullies.
  11. Their ideal target is an empath. AKA an extremely empathetic person that is extremely generous with their emotions and time; ideally doesn’t have any boundaries!

How do you deal with a narcissistic flatmate exactly? check out part 2 here.

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