Affiliate Disclaimer

Affiliate Disclosure

At Sakan Blog, we believe in being open and honest about how our website operates. Some of the links in our articles are affiliate links, which means that if you click on them and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission.

Affiliate links are a common way for websites and blogs to generate revenue while continuing to provide free, valuable content. However, not every link you see on our website is an affiliate link. For example, links to government websites, news articles, or educational resources are purely for your information and do not earn us any money.

To ensure transparency, we include a clear disclosure at the top of any article that contains affiliate links. This way, you’ll always know when a purchase through a link might support our platform.

It’s also important to us that our recommendations are genuine. Whether a link earns us a commission or not, we strive to provide honest, thoughtful suggestions that benefit you. We’re committed to helping women find safe and reliable housing options, and that mission comes first.

Amazon Associates Disclosure

Sakan Blog is a participant in the Amazon Associates program. This means we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through Amazon links on our site.

Thank you for supporting SAKAN Blog and helping us continue our mission to empower women through both SAKAN Blog and SAKAN Platform (to help women find housing in a safe, affordable, and fast manner).